My Grandkids

My Grandkids
Easter 2008

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Eighth Anniversary Nat & Fiel

I love you both and you are great parents too.

The Kids on Christmas

Here are some pictures of the kids and the gifts I left there when I was there at Thanksgiving.
I got Emme a combination alarm clock, radio and CD player I hope she enjoys it.
I left my old camera there for Emme, I hope she gets some use of it (it has been a little temperamental I hear)
I got Clee a toy that lights up makes noise and just entertains it looks like he likes it.
Drew, I hope that you like that the guitar is green


Well I finally got all my Christmas Cards mailed and cooking done.
Here I am in front of my tree (see Emme and Nat I put this up just for you). Later I picked up my mom and went to Pam and Chuck's house.Pam, Mom and I at Pam's House. Mom bought the matching shirts aren't we festive?Chuck & PamRich & LynnMe at Pam and Chuck's House. Mom wouldn't let me take anymore pictures of her so the one of the three of us is it. We had a great time good food and company. I did miss the kids of course.

Most Recent Trip to Visit the Kids

Well I guess I have neglected my blog long enough so here are a few pictures from my most recent trip back east for Drew's Birthday and Thanksgiving.

Drew and his drum set he got from Grammy and Papa for his birthday.
Clee on Thanksgiving
Emme and her cousin Jackson on Thanksgiving as you can see the weather was great. I had a great time with the kids, Most everybody played Rock Band most of the day but as you can see we did get some time outside with the kids. And as usual the trip was much to short.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Holy mix-up it's Batman and Robin (Drew & Clee (who doesn't look too happy))
Emme is a High School Musical East High School Cheerleader

This is the candy I have left after the last of the trick or treaters (this is one of those really big Tupperware bowls). Haven't quite decided what to do with it yet.
This is the crew at the office some of them did a really good job of hiding.
None of the pictures showed my cute purse and matching slippers, so here they are.
You can't tell by the picture but my hair was black (I sprayed it black) the can said it would wash right out if I hadn't colored or permed it. They didn't lie it washed right out. I was an Oriental woman (it's pretty hard to tell).

Sunday, October 28, 2007

mom's back

Mom's back in town. She's only been back one day so she's not making any decisions yet but she has to do what she has to do. We'll see what happens. She has been up in Washington since June it's good to see her back. The photo is from last year she says she needs a hair cut. She has an appointment on Tuesday. But she's a sight for sore eyes anyway.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

While my great niece and great nephew (yes they are great too.) were visiting their grandmother (my sister) I took them to the Zoo. This isa slide show of some of our visit including the white alligator (yes it is real and alive).

Saturday, September 22, 2007

I went to a wonderful movie with my sister on Tuesday it is called Autism the Musical. I laughed, I cried, I was extremely touched. I recommend this movie if you love anyone with Autism or even if you don't. It will be on HBO at some point but is being screened around the country now go to this web site to see if it is playing by you some where.

Natalie has always liked haunted houses and she really liked Nightmare on Thirteenth. They used to have a gargoyle that moved up above the entrance but they have changed it to a headless horseman. So this is for all you ghouls out there (Nat and Emme). Look Nat I added something to my Blog!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Since most of my life is back east I thought I would add (with some gentle prodding by my daughter who shall remain nameless for those of you who don't know her) a slide show of my trip back east with Nat, Emme, Clee, and Drew. The first shot is a car in the parking lot at the Holiday Inn we stayed at in New York it reminded me of one of cars from Cars (the Disney movie) can you believe frost in the middle of July. We had to drive about another 100 miles past Palmyra to find a place to stay since we were unaware of the pageant that they were having in Palmyra. The next portion of pictures are when we were in Palmyra first the Sacred Grove and then the Hill Cumorah. The climb up this hill was horrific and I had my doubts about whether I was going to get down without falling on my rear, (I knew Emme wouldn't have any trouble since she had to stop to wait for me a few times on the way up, I figured she would just have to stay out of my way so I wouldn't crush her on the way down). But lo and behold Natalie had found a way to drive up (I really wish I had known about this before I made the climb up (is my age showing?)). One of the pictures the one that looks like green squares are chairs set up for the pageant later that evening. We did not stay as it had already been a long trip and the kids and Nat just wanted to get home (and we did not have tickets since we didn't know it was happening prior to getting there). Then there are a couple of Drewbee in a guitar box, we also went to the dinosaur park (I can't believe I didn't take any other pictures there (other than a little chipmunk that was entertaining Emme and Drew), What was I thinking?), and a squirrel (at Fiel and Natalie's house). The next pictures are from the Mistic Aquarium, The Beluga whales really seem to like the kids they are real showoffs, the two first pictures of Clee and the penguins. Clee was trying to climb in with them the next one is after we wouldn't let him (Clee seems to draw the fish, etc. to him some how) and then we finished off with a visit to a play ground for the kids look closely at Emme's hair on the last picture, Enjoy. (The music is On The Road Again by Canned Heat one of my absolute all time favorites.)

Friday, August 24, 2007

These are my other grandchildren Drew (2) and Emme (6) jumping on the trampoline. Emme starts first grade this fall and maybe Drew will get to go to preschool, I hope so (I wonder if they have a preschool for future rock stars, they should).

This is a picture of my grandson Clee on his fifth birthday. It was the first of three birthday parties for him.

Autism the musical is going to come on HBO not sure when but I have found out about some showing that may be of interest they are as follows:

Salt Lake City Utah
Trolley Square Cinema
602 E. 500 South 84102

Seattle Washington
Grande Illusion
1403 NE 50th St

Litchfield Connecticut
Bantam Cinema
dates still pending confirmation 115 Bantam Lake Road
RT 209 06750

I hope anyone that is interested can get to one of these especially if like me you don't have cable. If your in Salt Lake area please contact me if you'd like to go maybe we can all go together. Check out the following website for further information and click on News I know I'm going

Drew Rocking with Cartel

My youngest grandchild Drew Loves Jammin with Cartel

This is still underconstruction if you have suggestions let me know