My Grandkids

My Grandkids
Easter 2008

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Eighth Anniversary Nat & Fiel

I love you both and you are great parents too.

The Kids on Christmas

Here are some pictures of the kids and the gifts I left there when I was there at Thanksgiving.
I got Emme a combination alarm clock, radio and CD player I hope she enjoys it.
I left my old camera there for Emme, I hope she gets some use of it (it has been a little temperamental I hear)
I got Clee a toy that lights up makes noise and just entertains it looks like he likes it.
Drew, I hope that you like that the guitar is green


Well I finally got all my Christmas Cards mailed and cooking done.
Here I am in front of my tree (see Emme and Nat I put this up just for you). Later I picked up my mom and went to Pam and Chuck's house.Pam, Mom and I at Pam's House. Mom bought the matching shirts aren't we festive?Chuck & PamRich & LynnMe at Pam and Chuck's House. Mom wouldn't let me take anymore pictures of her so the one of the three of us is it. We had a great time good food and company. I did miss the kids of course.

Most Recent Trip to Visit the Kids

Well I guess I have neglected my blog long enough so here are a few pictures from my most recent trip back east for Drew's Birthday and Thanksgiving.

Drew and his drum set he got from Grammy and Papa for his birthday.
Clee on Thanksgiving
Emme and her cousin Jackson on Thanksgiving as you can see the weather was great. I had a great time with the kids, Most everybody played Rock Band most of the day but as you can see we did get some time outside with the kids. And as usual the trip was much to short.