My Grandkids

My Grandkids
Easter 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mark & Linda

Happy Anniversary Mark and Linda (Emme's a bonus here)

Happy Mother's Day

Sorry I forgot to get the camera out of my purse. We (I, Mom (great grandma), Lynn, Pam, and Chuck) went up to Park City and had brunch at the Grub Steak. They had a Mother's Day buffet, we all stuffed our selves. I had Prime Rib, a mushroom cheese omelet, asparagus, salad, a couple of pieces of bacon. Then I did the unforgivable I had a thin slice of decadent chocolate cake (this cake is made with no flour but I'm sure sugar is involved) and a very small creme brule. Needless to say I really haven't been hungry the rest of the day. It was funny no one up at the Grub Steak (Lynn works for the owner so they all know her) anyway no one was surprised that Rich was playing golf and therefore couldn't make brunch.

We then went back to Mom's (great grandma's) Rich met us there, so she could open her presents, and started to watch the Jazz vs the Lakers' basket ball game. Most of us left before the game got over. But Bonus!!! the Jazz beat the Lakers' in Overtime.

I got to talk to Emme and Natalie (another bonus). They got me some chocolate and some really cute green pj's with pink flamingos ( Maybe I'll take a picture of them but not today).

I found this in the US Autism & Asperger Association Weekly News, It touched my heart.

Mother's Day Special Edition

What is an AutisMom?

Once there was a little girl named Wendy.

She dreamed of all of the things that she could be.

First she wanted to be a nurse... She would care for the sick with gentleness, patience, and love.

Then she wanted to be a teacher... She would teach children and help them have the best chance for success.

In high school, she thought that being a religious minister would allow her to provide comfort, care, and spiritual sustenance.

A little older, and she wanted to be a lawyer... She would defend the poor and defenseless.

Finally, she wanted to be a doctor... She would unravel all the mysteries of what made people sick and how to cure them.

Wendy got married, and she became a mom. Her little boy flourished and learned with ease, his future was bright, and Wendy was delighted. But his abilities seemed to change, and he seemed to be ill. Wendy’s little boy was diagnosed with autism.

Wendy was scared, so she asked the angels, “Who can help my little boy?” And the angels said, “You can help him, you will be everything that you always wanted to be.”

“But, angels,” said Wendy, “I am scared that my child will not be all that I’d hoped he could be.”

“He isn’t right now,” replied the angels, “But he is all of the things that you can help him become.”


Sunday, May 4, 2008

First Autism Walk In Utah WOW What A Day

Well walk day finally arrived (I have been working towards this since last August). Out team grew a lot in the last couple of weeks, as a team we earned $1,490 (posted) plus another $300 or so turned in the day of the Walk. (Its NOT too late to donate). Our walk raised over $300,000, we had 3,500 preregistered walkers and over 5,000 people showed up. I volunteered to give out walk T-Shirts and there was a man with Autism (Aspergers) helping out. He said that a woman had come in where he worked the day before and told him about the walk so he came that morning to volunteer. After we finished the first lap of the walk they asked us to go visit some booths or something before starting the next lap because there were still a lot of people waiting to start the walk, I think we need a bigger place next year. I didn't count all of the booths that were there but there were a lot I'm guessing around a 100. I never did get the whole team together. The Cottonwood football team cheered us on and volunteered. I had a great time I hope everyone else did too. I know all the kids did everytime you walked a few steps there was some sort of treat or something fun for them to do. THANK YOU everybody who donated, volunteered and joined the team I really really appreciate everything!!!!!Portion of our team Gerri (me), Lynn Rich, Adrian, Tayvia, Crystal and DeAndre
DeAndre, Crystal, Tayvia, Adrian, Rich, Lynn, Trent, Amelia, Laurel, Bailey, Robin, Kelly, Sally, Jenny, Emme, and Gerri (me). A good portion of our team. Lori (snuck out), Couldn't find Charris and Amber (will post picture later), Also couldn't find Emily and Vicki and Jayne (will also post picture later), Great Grandma Natalie and Grandpa Rick were sick)
Baby Emme at the walk
Our Team Shirts (I also got one each of these for Emme, Clee, and Drew)
I, Grandpa Rick, and another Anonymous donor donated our tickets to get Emme, Clee, and Drew each one of these T-Shirts from our Walk
Uncle Rich and Aunt Lynn