My Grandkids

My Grandkids
Easter 2008

Sunday, December 30, 2007


Well I finally got all my Christmas Cards mailed and cooking done.
Here I am in front of my tree (see Emme and Nat I put this up just for you). Later I picked up my mom and went to Pam and Chuck's house.Pam, Mom and I at Pam's House. Mom bought the matching shirts aren't we festive?Chuck & PamRich & LynnMe at Pam and Chuck's House. Mom wouldn't let me take anymore pictures of her so the one of the three of us is it. We had a great time good food and company. I did miss the kids of course.


natalie said...

I can't tell what's on your festive shirts. Is it a care bear?

Grandma Gerri said...

They are Snowmen